
(2024). Reducing MRP nervousness with the proportional Order-Up-To policy. The Second Operations Analytics Workshop, 15th-16th April, KULeuven, BELGIUM.


(2024). Operational Research: Methods and Applications. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75 (3), 423–617.

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(2024). The bullwhip effect with correlated lead times and auto-correlated demand. 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, June 30th-July 3rd, Copenhagen, DENMARK.


(2024). Reducing MRP nervousness: Integrating value stream mapping and control theory. 34rd Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, April 25th-29th, Minneapolis, USA.


(2024). ARMA(1,1) market demand decomposition in a global dual sourcing setting. 34rd Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, April 25th-29th, Minneapolis, USA.


(2024). Global dual sourcing: ARMA(1,1) market demand and its decomposition. Pre-prints of the 23rd International Working Seminar of Production Economics, 14th-18th February, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA, Vol. 4, pp50-65.

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(2024). Dynamic analysis of the damped trend proportional OUT policy. Pre-prints of the 23rd International Working Seminar of Production Economics, 14th-18th February, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA, Vol. 3, pp357-372.

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(2023). Autocorrelated price-sensitive demand and the dynamics of supply chains. INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 15-18, Phoenix, USA.


(2023). On the equivalence of the proportional and damped trend order-up-to policies: An eigenvalue analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 265, 109005.

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(2023). The dynamics of the transition from make-to-stock to make-to-order. Western Operations Research Discussion Society, 19th July, University of Exeter, UK.


(2023). Discrete control theory for inventory management: A tutorial. International Society for Inventory Research Summer School, Cardiff Business School, UK.

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(2023). Unifying the dynamics of make-to-stock and make-to-order supply chains. 16th International Society for Inventory Research Summer School, 24th-28th July, Cardiff, UK, 19 pages.


(2023). Pop-Up Production: Flexible Capacity Deployment in Additive Manufacturing for Short-Term Opportunistic Production. 30th EurOMA Conference, 3rd-5th July, Leuven, BELGIUM, 10 pages.

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(2023). Integrating value stream mapping and control theory: A new dynamic supply chain model. 33rd Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, May 21st-25th, Orlando, USA.


(2023). The nonlinear dynamics of order-up-to inventory systems with lost sales. Research Methods Center: Operations Analytics Event, University of Exeter Business School, April 17th-19th, UK.

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(2023). Dynamic modeling of a manufacturer: A unified theory of make-to-order and make-to-stock supply chains. Research Methods Center: Operations Analytics Event, University of Exeter Business School, April 17th-19th, UK.


(2023). Discrete control: Theoretical background. Research Methods Center: Operations Analytics Event, University of Exeter Business School, April 17th-19th, UK.

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(2023). 自己相関を持つ価格モデルと線形需要モデルによるサプライチェーンのダイナミクスと経済性 (Supply chain dynamics and economics based on autocorrelated price models and linear demand models). Japan Industrial Management Association 2023 Spring Conference, 3rd-4th June, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, JAPAN, 2pp.

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(2023). Volume Flexibility at Responsive Suppliers in Reshoring Decisions: Analysis of a Dual Sourcing Inventory Model. Forthcoming in Production and Operations Management.

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(2023). On the stationary stochastic response of an order-constrained inventory system. European Journal of Operational Research, 304 (2), 543-557.

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(2023). On the order-up-to policy with intermittent integer demand and logically consistent forecasts. International Journal of Production Economics, 257, 108763.

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(2022). When bullwhip increases in the lead time: An eigenvalue analysis of ARMA demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 250, 108623.

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(2022). Global dual sourcing with SpeedFactories: The case of correlated demand. World Intelligent Manufacturing Summit, November 22nd-25th, Nanjing, CHINA.

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(2022). Impact of customers reaction to autocorrelated price sensitive demand on supply chains. 53rd Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, November 19th-21st, Houston, USA.


(2022). Impact of correlated price sensitive demand on the dynamics and economics of supply chains. 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management, 23rd-25th August, Kindai University, Osaka, JAPAN (Online), 10 pages.

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(2022). An integrative visual multifactor analysis of the UK payments system stakeholders' strategic reports. 29th European Operations Management Association Annual Conference, 1st-6th July, Berlin, GERMANY, 11 pages.

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(2022). Dual Sourcing and Smoothing under Non-Stationary Demand Time Series: Re-shoring with SpeedFactories. Management Science, 68 (2), 1039-1057.

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(2022). On the equivalence of the proportional and damped trend order-up-to policies: An eigenvalue analysis. Pre-prints of the 22nd International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 21st-25th February, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA (On-line).

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(2022). On the order-up-to policy with intermittent integer demand and coherent forecasts. Pre-prints of the 22nd International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 21st-25th February, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA (On-line).

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(2021). Uncertainty in Operations and Supply Chain Management: Special Issue Call for Papers. Journal of Operations Management.

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(2021). Exploring the nonlinear dynamics of the lost-sales order-up-to policy. International Journal of Production Research, 59 (19), 5809-5830.

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(2021). The yield rate paradox in closed-loop supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 239, 108187.

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(2020). Local supply inflexibility in dual-source supply chains: Optimal policy and cost implications. Pre-prints of the 21st International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 24th-28th February, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA, 13 pages.

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(2020). Challenges within closed-loop supply chains: Remedies for the conflict between sustainability and system-wide cost. Pre-prints of the 21st International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 24th-28th February, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA, 16 pages.

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(2020). Global dual sourcing under correlated demand. Pre-prints of the 21st International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 24th-28th February, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA, 14 pages.

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(2020). Service levels in make-to-order production: 3D printing applications. In Managing 3D Printing: Operations Management for Additive Manufacturing, edited by D.R Eyers, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 12 pages. ISBN: 3030233227.

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(2019). The more, the better, usually: An analytical investigation of the yield rate paradox in closed-loop supply chains. 50th Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, USA, November 23rd-25th.

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(2019). When the bullwhip effect is an increasing function of the lead time. International Federation of Automatic Control: Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control - 9th MIM, Berlin, Germany, 28th-30th August. Published in IFAC Papers Online, 52(13), 2297-2302.

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(2019). The nonlinear dynamics of order-up-to inventory systems with lost sales. International Federation of Automatic Control: Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control - 9th MIM, Berlin, Germany, 28th-30th August. Published in IFAC Papers Online, 52(13), 2291-2296.

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(2019). Discrete control theory. 14th International Society for Inventory Research Summer School, Leuven, Belgium, August 26th-30th.

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(2019). When the bullwhip effect is an increasing function of the lead time. 30th Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Washington, USA, 2nd-6th May.


(2019). Production optimization for short shelf-life products. 30th Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Washington, USA, 2nd-6th May.

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(2019). Yield paradox in closed loop supply chains with auto- and cross-correlated demand and return processes. 30th Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Washington, USA, 2nd-6th May.


(2019). Production optimization for short shelf-life products. Quarterly Forecast Forum, Cardiff Business School, 12th April, Cardiff, UK.


(2019). Discrete control theory. The spectrum of systems approaches to problem solving - from systems engineering to systems dynamics to systems thinking. A workshop hosted by the UK Chapter of the Systems Dynamics Society and the EPSRC ReRun project, Cardiff Business School, 22nd March, Cardiff, UK.

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(2019). The impact of stochastic lead times on the bullwhip effect under correlated demand and moving average forecasts. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 93, 102033.

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(2019). Economies of collaboration in build-to-model operations. Journal of Operations Management, 65 (8), 753-773.

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(2019). The inventory performance of forecasting methods: Evidence from the M3 competition data. International Journal of Forecasting, 35 (1), 251 - 265.

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(2019). Trails and tribulations of running a research group. Logistics and Operations Management Section Annual Conference, Cardiff Business School, UK, 11th January.


(2019). Production optimization for short shelf-life products. Logistics and Operations Management Section Annual Conference, Cardiff Business School, 11th January, Cardiff, UK.


(2018). How SpeedFactories help companies adapt to capricious consumers., Editorial written by S. Waikar.

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(2018). How SpeedFactories help companies adapt to capricious consumers. Kellogg Insight, Editorial written by S. Waikar.

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(2018). Avoiding the capacity cost trap: Three means of smoothing under cyclical production planning. International Journal of Production Economics, 201, 149-162.

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(2018). A unified theory of the dynamics of closed-loop supply chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 269 (1), 313–326.

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(2018). Understanding your supply chain: dynamic value stream mapping for business improvement. 25th International EurOMA Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24th-26th June, 10 pages.

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(2018). Inventory performance of the damped trend forecasting method. Pre-prints of the 20th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 19th-23rd February, 1, 249-260.

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(2018). Bullwhip behaviour as a function of the lead-time for the order-up-to policy under ARMA demand. Pre-prints of the 20th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 19th-23rd February, 2, 181-192.

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(2017). Coordinating supply chains via advance-order discounts, minimum order quantities, and delegations. Production and Operations Management, 26 (12), 2175–2186.

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(2017). Revisiting rescheduling: MRP nervousness and the bullwhip effect. International Journal of Production Research, 55 (7), 1992–2012.

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(2017). Mitigating variance amplification under stochastic lead-time: The proportional control approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 256 (1), 151-162.

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(2017). Exploring nonlinear supply chains: the dynamics of capacity constraints. International Journal of Production Research, 55 (14), 4053–4067.

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(2017). The impact of temporal aggregation on production and inventory costs. OR59 Annual Conference, Loughborough, UK, 12th-14th September.

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(2017). Impact of cannibalization in a remanufacturing supply chain. 24th International Conference on Production Research, Poznan, Poland, July 30th-3rd August, 5 pages.

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(2017). The bullwhip effect under count time series: The case of first order integer auto-regressive demand processes. Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bristol, UK, July 24th-25th, 229-240.

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(2017). Footfall for finer food forecasts. 24th Annual EurOMA Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 3rd-5th July, 9 pages.

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(2016). Revisiting activity sampling: a fresh look at binomial proportion confidence intervals. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 10 (6), 724-759.

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(2016). Collaborative supply chain configurations: The implications for supplier performance in production and inventory control. In “Developments in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Past, Present and Future”, edited by K.S. Pawar, H. Rogers, A. Potter and M.M. Naim, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 27–37. ISBN: 978-1-349-55848-3.

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(2016). Modelling the impact of factory gate pricing on transport and logistics. In “Developments in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Past, Present and Future”, edited by K.S. Pawar, H. Rogers, A. Potter and M.M. Naim, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 231–239. ISBN: 978-1-349-55848-3.

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(2016). Inventory performance under staggered deliveries and autocorrelated demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 249 (3), 1082–1091.

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(2016). Inventory management for stochastic lead times with order crossovers. European Journal of Operational Research, 248, 473–486.

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(2016). The bullwhip effect: progress, trends and directions. European Journal of Operational Research, 250 (3), 691–701.

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(2016). Order book management in 3D printing service operations: A design science approach. 23th Annual EurOMA Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 17th-22nd June, 10 pages.

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(2016). Editorial: Special issue on Innovative service and manufacturing design. International Journal of Production Economics, 171 (2), 163-164.

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(2015). Fill rate in a periodic review order-up-to policy under auto-correlated normally distributed, possibly negative, demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 501–512.

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(2015). The impact of information sharing, random yield, correlation, and lead times in closed loop supply chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 246, 827–836.

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(2015). On net stock amplification in the Damped Trend Order-Up-To system. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Seville, Spain, 21st-23rd October, 322-328.

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(2015). Reducing order and inventory variability under stochastic lead-time and correlated demand. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Seville, Spain, 21st-23rd October, 312-321.

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(2015). The safety stock and inventory cost paradox in a stochastic lead time setting. 26th Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Washington, USA, 8th-11th May, 10 pages.

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(2015). The cascade reuse supply chain at Fuji Xerox: A stochastic analysis. 26th Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Washington, USA, 8th-11th May, 10 pages.

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(2015). Supply chain chaos. Cardiff Business School Research Briefing, 8 pages.

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(2015). In Memoriam: Professor Denis R. Towill 1933-2015. International Journal of Production Economics, 170 Part A, iii-iv.

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(2014). Coordinating lead times and safety stocks under autocorrelated demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 232 (1), 52–63.

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(2014). Avoiding the bullwhip effect using Damped Trend forecasting and the Order-Up-To replenishment policy. International Journal of Production Economics, 149, 3–16.

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(2014). Exploring the oscillatory dynamics of a forbidden returns inventory system. International Journal of Production Economics, 147, 3–12.

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(2014). Levelling product mix in a Heijunka Board with shortest path algorithms. Pre-prints of the 18th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 24th-28th Feburary, Vol. 4, 75–87.

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(2014). Fill rate in a periodic review Order-Up-To policy under correlated normally distributed demand. Pre-prints of the 18th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 24th-28th Feburary, Vol. 1, 103–115.

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(2014). When can advance notice be most beneficial for closed loop supply chains?. Pre-prints of the 18th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 24th-28th Feburary, Vol. 2, 267-279.

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(2014). The inventory ripple effect in just-in-time systems with auto-correlated demand. Pre-prints of the 18th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 24th-28th Feburary, Vol. 3, 207-217.

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(2013). Net present value analysis of the economic production quantity. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 147, 3–12.

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(2013). On the Lambert W function: Economic order quantity applications and pedagogical considerations. International Journal of Production Economics, 40 (2), pp756–764.

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(2013). Stochastic design of a global closed loop supply chain: Planning and managing the reverse network at Fuji Xerox. 22nd International Conference on Production Research, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 28th July–1st August, 7 pages.

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(2013). Global supply chain design: Understanding costs through dynamic modelling. 18th International Symposium on Logistics, Vienna, Austria, July 7th–10th, 8 pages.

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(2013). Removing bullwhip from Lexmark’s toner operations. Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Denver, USA, May 3rd–6th, 10 pages.

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(2012). Stability analysis of constrained inventory systems with transportation delay. European Journal of Operational Research, 223 (1), pp86–95.

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(2012). Bullwhip in a multi-product production setting. Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management – Review of Business and Economic Literature, 57 (3), 351–377.

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(2012). On the replenishment policy when the market demand information is lagged. International Journal of Production Economics, 135 (1), 458–467.

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(2012). Impact of Inter-firm Collaboration on Firm Performance: Comparison from the Perspective of Different Supply Chain Members. 4th World Production and Operations Management Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, 1st - 5th, 10 pages.

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(2012). The EU emissions trading scheme and the carbon intensity of supply chains: A UK grocery retail perspective. 4th World Production and Operations Management Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, 1st - 5th, 10 pages.

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(2012). Closed loop supply chains: The impact of advance notice and lead-times. 4th World Production and Operations Management Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, 1st - 5th, 11 pages.

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(2012). Bullwhip behavior in the order-up-to policy with ARIMA demand. 4th World Production and Operations Management Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, 1st - 5th, 11 pages.

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(2012). Impact of scheduling frequency and shared capacity on production and inventory costs. Pre-prints of the 17th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 20th-24th Feburary, Vol. 2, 277-288.

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(2012). Review of stochastic cost functions for production and inventory control. Pre-prints of the 17th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 20th – 24th, Volume 1, 117-128.

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(2012). Damped Trend forecasting and the Order-Up-To replenishment policy. Pre-prints of the 17th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 20th – 24th, Volume 3, 205 - 216.

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(2012). Editorial: Special Issue of the Sixteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck 2010. International Journal of Production Economics, 140 (2), 557-558.

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(2011). Supply chain integration: an international comparison of maturity. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 23 (4), 531–552.

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(2011). Mediating Effect of Transaction Costs in Supply Chain Relationships: An Empirical Examination. British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, September 13th – 15th, 8 pages.

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(2011). Net Present Value Analysis of the Economic Production Quantity. 53rd Annual OR Society Conference Keynote and Short Papers, Edited by D. Petrovic and A.A. Syntetos, Nottingham, UK, September 6th – 8th, 29 - 34.

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(2011). Stability analysis of a constrained inventory system. 21st International Conference on Production Research, Stuttgart, Germany, 31st July- 4th August, 6 pages.

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(2011). Supply chain collaboration, inter-firm trust and logistics performance: Evidence from the tourism sector: A structural equation model. 18th Annual EurOMA Conference, June 3rd–6th, Cambridge, UK, 87-96.

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(2010). A pragmatic approach to the design of bullwhip controllers. International Journal of Production Economics, 128, 556–568.

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(2010). Los cuatros arquetipos de cadena de suministro – The Four Supply Chain Archetypes. Universia Business Review, 26 (2), 134–149.

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(2010). Revisiting Magee's production smoothing rule. 17th EurOMA Annual Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6th-9th June, 10 pages.

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(2010). Removing bullwhip from the Tesco supply chain. Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, 7th-10th May, Vancouver, Canada. Paper No. 015-0397, 19 pages.

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(2010). On the Lambert W function: EOQ applications and pedagogical considerations. in Grubbström, R.W., Hinterhuber, H.H., (Eds), Pre-prints of the 16th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, March 1st–5th, 129 – 140.

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(2010). Dynamic Performance of a Recycling Supply Chain. Pre-prints of the 16th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 1st-5th March, Innsbruck, Austria, 623-634.

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(2009). On bullwhip in a family of order-up-to policies with ARMA(2,2) demand and arbitrary lead-times. International Journal of Production Economics, 121 (2), 454-463.

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(2009). Impact of market demand mis-specification on a two-level supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 121 (2), 739-751.

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(2009). The influence of multi-product production strategy on factory induced bullwhip. International Journal of Production Research, 47 (20), 5739-5759.

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(2009). Forecasting for inventory planning: a 50-year review. Journal of the Operations Research Society, 60 (S1), 149-160.

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(2009). Revisiting activity sampling: A fresh look at binomial proportion confidence intervals. Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Cardiff University, 9th-11th September, 8 pages.

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(2009). The effects of schedule volatility on supply chain performance. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 12 (4), 313-328.

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(2009). On strategy when demand information is lagged in a supply chain. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Annual Conference, MIT, Cambridge, USA, June 28th–30th, 6 pages.

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(2009). Designing replenishment rules in a two-echelon supply chain with a flexible or an inflexible capacity strategy. International Journal of Production Economics, 119, 187-198.

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(2009). A new inventory policy for a two echelon supply chain. 16th EurOMA Annual Conference, Göteburg, Sweden, June 14th–17th, 10 pages.

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(2009). Altruistic behaviour in a two-echelon supply chain with unmatched proportional feedback controllers. International Journal of of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 6 (3-4), 269-286.

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(2009). On a myth in supply chain management. Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 59, 431-436.

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(2009). Editorial for the Special Issue: Papers from the 19th International Conference on Production Research. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 12 (4), 231-232.

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(2008). A win-win solution for the bullwhip problem. Production Planning and Control, 19 (7), 702-711.

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(2008). A generalized order-up-to policy and altruistic behavior in a three-level supply chain. In “Supply Chain Management and Knowledge Management: Integrating Critical Perspectives in Theory and Practice”, edited by A. Dwivedi and T. Butcher, Palgrave Macmillan, 190–216. ISBN: 978-0-230-57343-7.

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(2008). Managing Bullwhip-induced risks in supply chains. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 10 (3), 238-262.

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(2008). Understanding supply chain dynamics via simulation. In “Construction Supply Chain Management Handbook”, edited by W.J. O’Brien, C.T. Formoso, R. Vrijhoef and K.A. London, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 30 pages. ISBN: 9781420047455.

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(2008). On Replenishment Rules, Forecasting, and the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains. Foundations and Trends(R) in Technology, Information and Operations Management, 2 (1), 1-80.

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(2008). On the impact of order volatility in the European automotive sector. International Journal of Production Economics, 114 (1), 2-13.

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(2008). The impact of process maturity and uncertainty on supply chain performance: an empirical study. International Journal of of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 15 (1), 12-27.

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(2008). Supply chain aperiodicity, bullwhip and stability analysis with Jury's inners. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 19 (2), 101-116.

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(2008). The value of coordination in a two-echelon supply chain. IIE Transactions, 40 (3), 341-355.

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(2008). On the square root law for bullwhip: The case of arbitrary lead-times and AR(1) demand. Pre-prints of the 15th International Working Seminar of Production Economics, Innsbruck, AUSTRIA, March 3rd-7th, 199-212.

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(2007). Is there a benefit to sharing market sales information? Linking theory and practice. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 54 (2), 315-326.

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(2007). Integrating transport into supply chains: Vendor managed Inventory. In “Trends in Supply Chain Design and Management: Technologies and Methodologies”, edited by H. Jung, F.F. Chen and B. Jeong, Springer-Verlag, London, 331-344. ISBN: 978-1-84628-607-0.

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(2007). Order and inventory variance amplification: The equivalence of discrete and continuous time analyses. International Journal of Production Economics, 110, 128-137.

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(2007). Controlling bullwhip and inventory variability with the golden smoothing rule. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 1 (3), 241-265.

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(2007). The dynamics of material flows in supply chains. Keynote speech at OR49: The Annual Conference of the Operations Research Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, 4th-6th September, 21 pages.

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(2007). Reducing the bullwhip effect: Looking through the appropriate lens. International Journal of Production Economics, 108 (1-2), 444-453.

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(2007). The benefit of altruistic behaviour achieved by the OUT policy with unmatched proportional feedback gains in a two-echelon supply chain. International Conference on Production Research,Valparaiso, Chile, July 29th-August 2nd, 6 pages.

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(2007). The myopic Order-Up-To policy with a proportional feedback controller. International Journal of Production Research, 45 (2), 351-368.

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(2007). An integrated production and inventory model to dampen upstream demand variability in the supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 178 (1), 121-142.

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(2006). Controlling replenishment rule induced bullwhip via good systems design. In “The bullwhip effect in supply chains: A review of methods, components and practical cases”, edited by O.A. Carranza Torres and F. Villegas Morán, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 95-106. ISBN: 978-1-4039-9858-3.

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(2006). Bullwhip and batching: An exploration. International Journal of Production Economics, 104 (2), 408-418.

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(2006). State space investigation of the bullwhip problem with ARMA(1,1) demand processes. International Journal of Production Economics, 104 (2), 327-339.

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(2006). A new approach to micro-manufacturing road-mapping: Methodology and initial findings. Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Management of Technology,Birmingham, United Kingdom, 10th-12th September, 206-213.

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(2006). Taming the bullwhip effect whilst watching customer service in a single supply chain echelon. European Journal of Operational Research, 42 (4), 1301-1309.

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(2006). On assessing the sensitivity to uncertainty in distribution network design. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36 (1), 5-21.

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(2006). On bullwhip in supply chains-historical review, present practice and expected future impact. International Journal of Production Economics, 101 (1), 2-18.

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(2006). On the equivalence of control theoretic, differential, and difference equation approaches to modeling supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 101 (1), 194-208.

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(2006). A methodology for benchmarking replenishment-induced bullwhip. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11 (2), 160-168.

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(2006). Estimation in supply chain inventory management. International Journal of Production Research, 44 (7), 1313-1330.

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(2006). On the bullwhip effect of Order-Up-To policies for ARMA(2,2) demand and arbitrary lead-times. Pre-prints of the 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls, AUSTRIA, 20th-24th February, 55-64.

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(2006). Controllable, observable and stable state space representations of a generalized order-up-to policy. International Journal of Production Economics, 101 (1), 173-184.

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(2006). Bullwhip and inventory variance in a closed loop supply chain. OR Spectrum, 28 (1), 127-149.

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(2005). Analysis and optimization of inventory variance and bullwhip in a manufacturing/remanufacturing system. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 39 (10), 1587-1591.

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(2005). Smooth is smart: Bullwhip, inventory, fill-rates and the golden ratio. Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management-Review of Business and Economic Literature, L (2), 167-186.

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(2005). Towards responsive vehicle supply: a simulation-based investigation into automotive scheduling systems. Journal of Operations Management, 23 (5), 507-530.

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